Jul 01, 2023
Choices, we all have them, we all make them. All day, every day. So why then, do we feel so limited?
How many times have you uttered the sentence "I don't have a choice?"
I'm going to introduce you to two ideas, to help expand your choices... the first, there are more options than you think, and second, stop reacting.
#1 There are more options than you think:
Read that sentence and let it sink in for a moment, the key is in the very last word; Think.
Our thoughts are not only powerful, they are creating the very reality we are living. Our thoughts create our experience of life.
"Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right." Henry Ford
When you feel limited it is because you are believing your thoughts. I don't have a choice, I don't have time, I can't... etc. All of these are simply your thinking about a circumstance and situation and I am here to remind you that you always have a choice. In fact, you always have multiple. You may not like all of them, but exploring your options is a beautiful gateway to joy and freedom.
#2 Stop Reacting
Reacting is something we are taught and it is a sure sign that we are either firmly in the past or in the future, we are not in the moment, in the now. How do I know? Because fear is running the show when we react. When we are in the present moment, we respond.
If you want to explore your choices, slow down, become present and take your time. Allow yourself to respond to a situation and options you couldn't see before will suddenly appear.
Change can feel scary, it's not that change is actually scary, it is simply that we think it is. Are you beginning to understand?
Here's the thing, life is full of choices and when we say that we want to be healthy, happy, in love, adventurous, free... we can be, most of the time. My biggest concern is that we tend to squander our choices, if we aren't careful, we end up taking them for granted and missing the opportunities life has for us. We assume that we will always be able to make the choices we want. For far too many, we wait to do the things we say matter the most, until we can't, or we are faced with the possibility that we can't.
Just like the adage, "Live like you were dying", the same is true for choices.
Do the thing you have been longing to do.
Take the chance, and make the choice that is in alignment with your dreams and desires.
Don't wait until the choice is no longer yours to make.
With all my love,
xx Trudy
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