Aligning with Love...It matters.
Jan 29, 2024
I recently posted a question on social media. It went something like this...
"I wanna fall in love again, not necessarily with someone. I wanna fall in love with life, I wanna be passionate about something again. I wanna try new things, feel new emotions, and get excited every waking day."
It got a lot of likes and shares, I was not surprised.
Last year, on February 14th I started a mastermind group of women, I called it The Only Love Experience. Together, we set an intention to learn to live a life aligned with love for an entire year.
The idea was to learn and grow together and experience love as a state of being, it was never really intended to last only for a year, it was the beginning, a way to habit-stack our way to an alignment where over time, love became our default.
We have been meeting weekly since, beginning our Mondays aligning with love.
Thank God we did.
Life is often hard and normally we default to old patterns and habits without conscious thought. I've experienced loss before and my default is typically anguish, fear, anxiety, anger, and pain along with a roller coaster of emotions. It took losing my partner, one of the great loves of my life in 2021 to show me the healing power of love. Not to say that I don't still experience those emotions, I certainly do, but now, I handle them differently. Now, each emotion is cradled in compassion, granting me a clearer vision and a profound appreciation for love's restorative power.
I got a call this morning that another family member has passed away unexpectedly. That is 3 in less than 1 month. My Uncle, my nephew, and now, my cousin. All on the paternal side of my biological family. A family I recently found just a little over 10 years ago. To say I am grateful to have found them would be an understatement. I am eternally grateful. But that doesn't soften the loss. Gone too soon, after nearly my entire lifetime without them, it breaks my heart all over again.
But here is what I know.
Love never dies.
Sadly, especially for those of us left behind, people do. It's the one thing we all have in common, Wayne Dyer put it this way, we all come with a round-trip ticket. I say this, not because I am making light of it, or because it doesn't hurt. It does. I say this because it is true, we are spiritual beings having a human experience, we come from love and we return to love, and while here, in this human form, aligning with love helps us to experience a profound truth, we never actually lose those we love, our relationship simply changes.
Living a life aligned with love helps us navigate the highs and lows in life. Understanding that we are souls with a body, rather than bodies with a soul, helps us understand that life goes on and every experience is happening for us as a part of our evolution and growth. Each experience holds within it a precious gift, even when it is sometimes hard to find.
So, what does it mean to live a life aligned with love?
First, a willingness to see love differently. We are taught that love is something outside of us, something to get, earn, or do. When we learn that love is the very energy we are made of, we know that we can never really lose love. It is available to us every moment in time, and beyond. This changes everything. Instead of something to get, requiring us to be good enough for, or to find, it becomes a state of being. Love is not something to get, it is something to BE.
When we accept this calling, this state of being, our lives begin to change. There is a radiance, a sense of peace, and a joy that can not be disturbed by external circumstances. We understand that everything happens for a reason and a purpose and all things hold a gift.
When we align with love, our vibration naturally rises, and our perspective shifts. We always only have two choices, love or fear, and sadly, most of us are taught as children to default to fear.
Fear presents in many forms, hurt, anger, rage, defensiveness, and self-sabotage, often leading to shame and despair. Very low energies indeed, and perfectly normal to experience, especially during difficult times, but doing so at the exclusion of love is to rob yourself of some of the greatest gifts in life. The ability to hold onto love, even in the pain of loss, will give you access to insights you never thought possible. Love presents as patience, kindness, acceptance, forgiveness, joy, excitement, enthusiasm, and passion. It is very high energy, and evident inside and out. Others can feel it and so can we. This is what aligning with love can do.
Learning to live my life aligned with love has opened a gateway of possibilities. I am now more connected with Source Energy, I am no longer easily angered, anxious, or stressed. I feel a gentle peace and consistent joy in my life daily. When life gets difficult, I know that I will be okay. Things may be hard, but, as Glennon Doyle reminds me, I can do hard things. I have love on my side. So do you. We all do. And it makes the hard a little more tolerable, a little less painful knowing that there is hope on the horizon and that joy will return.
If you would like to know more, join me in my private FB group Finding Forever Love.
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